The responsibility had not erected in the cabinet because of the cabinet's dependency to the royal power and its lack of necessary relevancy to the parliament. 对于王权的依附以及与议会之间缺乏必然的关联,使得责任制在内阁中还未建立起来。
It only in Hanover Dynasty when the royal power declined rapidly and the sovereignty of the Parliament was consolidated that the earlier cabinet had transformed to responsible cabinet. 只有到汉诺威王朝时期,当王权急剧衰落、议会主权地位确立后,早期的内阁制才完成了向责任内阁制的转变。
In part 2 the author introduces and comments the theories of causation in tort law in the Anglo-Saxon Law. An Analysis of the Relationship between the Feudal System of Land-holding and the Royal Power in Britain and France in the Middle Ages 第二部分介绍和分析英美法上的因果关系理论。浅析中世纪英法的土地分封制及与王权的关系
In ancient Burma, Theravada Buddhism kept a close relationship with the royal power. 在古代缅甸,上座部佛教一直同王权保持着紧密的联系。
Accession of a Child King and the Operation of Royal Power in Medieval England: an Examination Centered on the Early Years of the Reign of Henry ⅲ 中古英国的幼主托孤与王权运作&以亨利三世时代早期为主的考察
Does it confirm the hypothesis that over time royal political power has been replaced by cultural influence? 这事件是否巩固了一个假设:随着时间的推移,王室的政治权力已被文化影响所替代呢?
Invested with royal power as symbolized by a crown. 被授予由王冠做标志的皇家权力。
As to machine, royal power from human body have endlessly influenced as the renewable energy source. 对机器人来说,人类成为源源不绝的能量来源。
Crowning the entire composition is a vase of cut flowers, an ulterior memento mori juxtaposed to the terrestrial globe, emblematic of royal power. 画面上最冠冕堂皇的物品,就是那花瓶和并排的地球仪,象征着皇家权势。
Royal power in this country was only a symbol of historical value and had no legislative significance. 皇权在这个国家只是象征着其历史价值,并没有任何法律意义。
The merge of aristocratic temperance with palace culture clearly displays strong conceptions and senses such as the supremacy of royal power and the sacredness of emperors. 这种贵族气质与宫廷文化融合在一起,彰显着极其强烈的皇权独尊、帝王神圣的观念和意识。
From then on, the imperial courts lost their dominance over folk music, and since the Song Dynasty, the art of music was no longer subject to the royal power, but rather was dominated by the people. 朝廷皇族从此失去对民间音乐艺术的控制能力,音乐艺术从宋代开始不再姓“皇”而转姓“民”了。
This paper makes an examination of the range of the royal group, discusses the development of the royal group and the management of them, and particularly analyzes the relationship between the royal group and the royal power. 本文对辽代皇族的范围进行了考释,探讨了皇族的发展及辽王朝对皇族的管理情况,并重点分析了皇族与皇权之间的关系。
The binary discourse structure of the city of God versus the city of citizen Augstine ( created) in The City of God laid a foundation for the check and balance between religious power and royal power. 奥古斯汀在《上帝之城》中建立起上帝之城/地上之城的二元话语结构,为教权和王权之间的权力制衡奠定了基础。
An Analysis of the Relationship between the Feudal System of Land-holding and the Royal Power in Britain and France in the Middle Ages A Review of the Studies on the Relations between Britain and France in the 1920s 浅析中世纪英法的土地分封制及与王权的关系西方学术界对20世纪20年代英法关系的研究述评
After Emperor WU, took power, the gradual loosening of power structure provides objective condition for the strengthening of royal power. 武帝即位后,汉初三权并立的结构已逐渐松动,为武帝加强皇权提供了客观的条件。
At same time, the absolute royal power controls all political life, and forges an equal society, but this process causes the lost of liberal spirit and the emergence of utopian politics. 与此同时,绝对主义王权垄断了一切政治生活,锻造了一个人们日益要求平等的社会,但其代价是自由精神的丧失和空想政治的产生。
The Permeation of Royal Power Government in Emperor WU of Han Dynasty 汉武皇权向政府权力的渗透
During the Jian'an years of Han Dynasty, Cao Cao established his overlord position by holding Han Emperor Xian, and a new royal power derived from this circumstance. 汉末建安年间,曹操挟天子而令诸侯,建立起霸府统治,并由这种统治逐步孕育催生出新的皇权。
The Cultural Dynamics for the Color of Yellow to Become as Symbol of Royal Power 黄色成为君权符号的文化动因
With secular powers being gradually centralized to the royal power, the power in their hands was stripped so that they became technical workers for public social affair outside the royal officials. 随着世俗权力逐渐向王权集中,原来巫手中的权力逐渐被剥离,原来与王保持紧密联系的巫逐渐与世俗权力隔开了一定的距离,变成王官之外的社会公共事务的技术工作者。
⑵ The middle ages mainly revolve the cooperation and battle by the royal power and the church power in Germany. ⑵中世纪主要围绕德国地区的王权与教权的合作、争斗展开。
Under a situation that Chinese royal power controlled all, the Confucian scholars were very difficult to stand upright the free, democratic, independent backbone. 在中国王权主宰一切的情形下,儒生们很难挺起自由、独立的脊梁。
The system of royal power restricting in ancient China is one of the characteristics of ancient Chinese law, it limits the abuse of royal power to some extent, makes up for the loopholes of the system, delays the decline of absolute monarchy. 中国古代的王权制约制度是中国古代法律的特色,它在一定程度上限制了王权的滥用,弥补了制度的漏洞,延缓了专制王朝的衰亡。
To be sanctified by the sword is no longer the only weapons capabilities, but also become a power-in particular, is a symbol of royal power. 被神圣化了的刀剑不再是只有武器的功能,同时也成为权力&特别是王权的象征。
The French nobility was wiped out of the political arena of France due to its weakness before the royal power and its hostility toward the bourgeois class, hence resulting in a highly revolutionary and unstable constitution. 法国贵族因其相对于王权的明显式微和对资产阶级的敌视,导致其在资产阶级革命中上被淘汰出权力舞台,并因此导致极端革命性的资产阶级宪法的产生。
In the early sixties, the political situation changed largely, and the new King greatly strengthened the royal power, trying to break the already formed constitutional monarchy. 60年代初,英国政局发生较大变化,新国王大力加强王权,力图破坏早已形成的君主立宪政体。
Dong Zhongshu had considered theoretical and real success and failure from different kinds of pre-Qin theories, completed a theory with the Confucian thought as its essence, in which the concept of Nature is the highest concept and functions a restriction to royal power. 董仲舒总结先秦以来各种理论的得失及其在现实中的成败,完成了天统摄下的以儒家思想为内核的理论,由天来履行对王权的制约。
After Norman conquered in 1066, William set up strong royal power in Britain, on this basis, he take the Tenure which is from the West European to England. 1066年诺曼征服之后,威廉在英国建立了强大的王权,在此基础上,他将西欧大陆的土地保有制度引入英格兰。
Only after the nation-state formed, it could be possible to lead to the neoteric modern constitutionalism which manifested the right request. The nation-state forming process is the battle happened between the power of Christianity and the royal power. 3. 只有民族国家形成后,体现权利要求的近现代宪政才有产生的可能。民族国家的形成过程就是教权与王权争斗的过程。